Welcome to The Studium!The site is currently in early release as I build it and add content. A lot of the guides are unfinished at this stage and I'm currently focused on preparing the site for Dawntrail. Feel free to join the Discord to ask questions and contribute if you'd like! - Sonicrida

Rhia's Simple PVP
Job Guides

Rhia Rys is a PVP enthusiast that has created simple and easy to use image guides for every PVP job in the game. You can find her on Twitter and the original home of her guides on her website.


White Mage

A strong healer with burst damage and crowd control

A thumbnail for Rhia's white mage pvp guide


A utility focused healer with low personal damage but the highest healing output in the PVP

A thumbnail for Rhia's astrologian pvp guide


A team reliant balanced healer focused on aoe utility with little burst but strong damage over time

A thumbnail for Rhia's scholar pvp guide


A healer focused on strong area control and increasing the damage that enemies take.

A thumbnail for Rhia's sage pvp guide

Caster DPS

Black Mage

A caster DPS with the a ton of crowd control and damage output. Team reliant for mobility

A thumbnail for Rhia's Balck Mage pvp guide



A tank with low damage and high self sustain. Good at keeping others alive with cover and incredibly hard to kill

A thumbnail for Rhia's Paladin pvp guide


A tank with that blurs the line between tanks and dps with its extremely high damage output


An unstoppable machine of a tank with a mix of great team disruption and self sustain

Dark Knight

A tank with lots of self-sustain and game-changing team fight crowd control!


In addition to the work of Rhia, many players helped with the creation of these guides!
PVP Experts: Ai Mz, Ava Falafell, Ceoh Shife, Chs Crane, Cu Cuailnge, Cynric Caliburn, Neiru (Ellie) Salwa, Fen Il, Fledgling Rat, General Matsumoto, Iris Xi, John Darksouls, Merlin Emryss, Munch- Lunch, Nex Cross, Nola Ustrina, Oikawa Toru, Rami B', Shion Virai, Shib (Spring Song), Teruko Mogami, Thursday Thursday
Assets and Design: Ava Falafell and Lumielle Valoryent