Welcome to The Studium!The site is currently in early release as I build it and add content. A lot of the guides are unfinished at this stage and I'm currently focused on preparing the site for Dawntrail. Feel free to join the Discord to ask questions and contribute if you'd like! - Sonicrida

Simple White Mage Guide

The white mage is an approachable healer with tools to heal and shield their allies, strong burst, and a game changing limit break that can stun an entire team.

Rhia's Simple Paladin Guide
  • skill.iconAlt

    Use Miracle of Nature on low health enemies to secure kills

  • skill.iconAlt

    Use Seraph Strike to gain access to Cure III, a powerful AOE heal

  • skill.iconAlt

    Aquaveil and Cure II can be used to protect teammates that are being focused


  • Unpurifiable Polymorph

  • Good burst

  • Gamechanging LB


  • Instacast damage skills on long cooldown

  • Low sustained damage

Example Burst Rotation

  1. 1.
    skill.iconAltGlare III
  2. 2.
    skill.iconAltAfflatus Purgation
  3. 3.
    skill.iconAltSeraph Strike
  4. 4.
    skill.iconAltAfflatus Misery
  5. 5.
    skill.iconAltMiracle of Nature
  6. 6.