Welcome to The Studium!The site is currently in early release as I build it and add content. A lot of the guides are unfinished at this stage and I'm currently focused on preparing the site for Dawntrail. Feel free to join the Discord to ask questions and contribute if you'd like! - Sonicrida

Simple Astrologian Guide

The Astrolgian is a healer focused on team utility able to mitigate lots of damage while giving many damage buffs to allies. It has low personal damage and the highest healing output in PVP

Rhia's Simple Paladin Guide
  • skill.iconAlt

    Use Gravity + Doublecast to pressure enemies

  • skill.iconAlt

    Use Macrocosmos for damage and AOE healing

  • skill.iconAlt

    Draw cards to buff your team


  • AOE crowd control with Gravity

  • Macrocosmos negates big AOE damage

  • Only anti-burst job, highest healing output!


  • Relies on party being grouped up

  • Have to commit to double cast

  • Low personal damage

Example Burst Rotation

  1. 1.
    skill.iconAltGravity II
  2. 2.
    skill.iconAltDouble Cast
  3. 3.


Double cast proc is cancelled by any other skill used including sprint and pots