Welcome to The Studium!The site is currently in early release as I build it and add content. A lot of the guides are unfinished at this stage and I'm currently focused on preparing the site for Dawntrail. Feel free to join the Discord to ask questions and contribute if you'd like! - Sonicrida

Simple Sage Guide

The Sage is a mobile healer with a focus on strong area control that can can passively keep an ally healed as well as assist in focusing down targets with Toxicon

Rhia's Simple Paladin Guide
  • skill.iconAlt

    Be your melee's dive buddy

  • skill.iconAlt

    Put Kardia on friends that are being focused or have low MP

  • skill.iconAlt

    Put Toxicon on the team's targets


  • Low cooldown vulnerability debuff with Toxicon

  • Icarus' Mobility

  • Powerful area control with Limitbreak


  • Lowest max HP pool (tied with Black Mage)

  • Little to no healing

  • Loses out on a lot of damage if shield doesn't pop

Example Burst Rotation

  1. 1.
  2. 2.
    skill.iconAltToxikon II
  3. 3.
    skill.iconAltPhlegma III
  1. 1.
  2. 2.
  3. 3.
  4. 4.
    skill.iconAltPhlegma III