Welcome to The Studium!The site is currently in early release as I build it and add content. A lot of the guides are unfinished at this stage and I'm currently focused on preparing the site for Dawntrail. Feel free to join the Discord to ask questions and contribute if you'd like! - Sonicrida

Welcome To The Studium

by Sonicrida Sonicrida icon

Welcome to The Studium!

I’m super happy to have you here and I’d like to talk a bit about why I made The Studium and what you can expect in the future from it!

The launch of Endwalker was around the time when I started to really dive into Final Fantasy XIV. I originally got caught up to the story in Shadowbringers but didn’t really interface with much else in the game. After 6.0 was over, I decided to really try and experience more that the game had to offer. I joined an FC, got into crafting, started leveling other jobs, and even worked up the courage and knowledge to step into Savage Raiding!

One consistent trend that I noticed was that learning about a lot of things in this game can be confusing. I found myself diving through a web of discords, finding Youtube videos with that may or may not be outdated, and a bunch of other resources like google docs and tweets. Nowadays, I even find raiding strats in pastebin of all things!

I eventually got into content creation myself on my YouTube Channel which has received a lot of love over the past year that I have been making XIV videos and I am super thankful for that. That said, I knew that I didn’t want to stop there. I saw the constant complaints from others sharing my struggle to learn about the game and I don’t think that videos alone are the answer to everything.

We have many wonderful Discords in the community which can be fantastic resources! The issue is, navigating Discord can be clunk and slow, search does not work with google results, and sometimes you may find yourself needing to check multiple discords for different things. There is no one place for everything and honestly, Discord isn’t meant for that in the first place!

Content Discovery

That’s the gap I want to fill with The Studium. I want a website where someone can come and find anything they need to learn about the game. Sometimes, that knowledge might exist directly on The Studium like this summary of everything in the media tour interviews but other times, it might be a link to an external resource that exists elsewhere on the web like another website or YouTube video. The point is to gather it all and make it easy to find and when I can, build stuff directly onto the website so that it is very easy to consume and read, at least a lot easier than a spreadsheet or google doc! Take this chart showing all of the Endwalker leveling leves for example!

The Community

Another key component to The Studium is that I want it to be a place for discovering community events and happenings. There are a lot of things that happen in FFXIV and plenty to do even in down periods when you’re done with the story. Without being in the right circles or following twitter a ton, it can be hard to know when these things are happening and what’s going on. I’m hoping that The Studium can also become a community hub where events are promoted to create a more social experience for everyone. It should be easier to keep up with the community and I’m hoping to fix that!

Information Quality

Something I really care about is good guides. They are one of the reasons that people often look for websites for games. My hope is to create a ton of quality guides in Dawntrail with a focus on a lot of the new content while going back to slowly cover all old content in the game. From encounters like trials and savage to more obscure things like The Gold Saucer, I want to be a place that’s a little more curated and flexible than a wiki for learning!

You can see a sample of the kinds of things I am working on in this P9 Savage Guide that I have started on. It’s not finished (it’s missing videos especially among other features) but you can get an idea of what I’m going for. Hopefully, The Studium is something that can replace the need for things like pastebins in partyfinder as well as creating a more shared community understanding of what strats are being used and how they work!

And apart of this will be working with others in the community to make sure that I have the best information possible since like any good research done, it’s best done with others. I already have some wonderful people willing to help including some world class raiders in different areas from speeds to world prog but I won’t stop there. If you want to help in any way, please join the Discord (linked here or at the top and bottom of the article) and reach out to me!

The information should be easy to consume and friendly for all levels of play. Whether you want to read a 70 page job guide or find a short 2 paragraph explanation with a rotation and maybe a video, I hope to have the resources available for all kinds of players with all flavors of content consumption available. I will do my best to research and synthesize information so that nobody has trouble understanding things about Final Fantasy XIV!

Now and The Future

As far as the current state of the website goes, you can get a good taste of what I’m talking about already.

You can currently find:

  • The WIP Draft of a full savage guide for P9S as well as resource hubs for the other fights of Anabaesios here

  • A bunch of articles including coverage on the media tour, events, and interviews and analysis from high level raiders in the community on Dawntrail changes to jobs here

  • A collection of featured PVP guides from Rhia Rys, Dockmarkev, and Olivia Lugria, all respected guide creators in the PVP Community here and here!

  • A collection of every housing resource I know of here

  • A chart showing the different Endwalker leves with information from Reitty Lavoie that you should use to level up your crafters from 80-90 here

And a few other things if you dig around on the homepage and the menu! That should give you a good taste of what to expect and I’m honestly just getting started. There are a ton of features I’d like to add to make the site easier to use and more accessible to everyone (including adding a light theme) so if you have feedback or ideas, let me know in the Discord!

Once all of the dust has settled on the launch and public announcement hype, aside from more articles and guides that I have to add, I will work on creating a roadmap of what to expect so people can know what I’m working on!

I’ve been pretty heads down working on this website at the expense of my YouTube channel but once launch has settled down, I’ll begin pumping out videos (and accompanying articles) on a bunch of stuff and you can expect to see a lot of it here!

Thank You

If you’re someone with a high level understanding about your job or other parts of the game from submarines to Bozja and you want to contribute your knowledge (with credit of course!) or even be interviewed about some cool stuff you’re doing, definitely reach out and we’ll make it happen!

And I want to express my gratitude to everybody who has helped me so far! From the creators mentioned above + anybody featured in articles or other content as well as my wonderful partner, the various friends, and others who have helped in early testing and feedback of the website!

If you’re interested in helping out, spread the word about the website wherever you can on X(Twitter), discord, and wherever else you like to talk about FFXIV! And consider supporting the Patreon if you’d like to help with the costs of running the website especially as people start to use it!

Thanks for reading if you made it this far! I hope to see you around and enjoy The Studium!

If you enjoyed reading this and want to chat about it, consider joining the Studium Discord! I'd really like to grow a helpful and thriving community of people that love any and all parts of FFXIV - Sonicrida