Popular strats
https://thestudium.gg/m1s - Share link for PF Descriptions
- Same baits on intercards with Supports rotating CCW to their color partner is the most popular strat for Quadruple Crossing with DPS baiting first
- For the Mouser's stun/knockback punches, you can always stand in a corner of an uncracked tile and look diagonally to the other corner of the same tile to always resolve the mechanic even if you didn't see what punch is happening
- It can also help to let ranged take the outer tiles and melees take the inner tiles
- Run to your desired tile as early as you can so that the party can adjust to your positioning
- TN is more popular than boss relative in party finder but make sure to clarify with your party
- MTTT (Melee, Tank, Tank with Invuln, Tank with Invuln) is the popular and the easiest strat for Raining Cats(tethers). See Hector's guide for an explanation