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Beginner White Mage PVP Guide

By Docmarkev

Healers with unmatched efficacy and wielding the elements that surround them, the WHM is considered a versatile healer in any situation. Capable of restoring their allies back to their acme and retaliate mistreatment towards aggressors, they embody everything that nature does when pushed back: flourish again with strength.


Glare III

To protect and dissuade aggressors from striking, they employ the Glare III spell for self-defense or to help allies against the most stubborn of unruly beasts. It deals 5k damage to a target up to 25y away, with a cast time of 1.44s and a GCD of 2.4s. Damage and/or GCD haste buffs will let us dish out more damage or cast faster. Simple spell, simple damage; you’ll be using it often on the offense in the back line.


Afflatus Misery

Just as the land recovers through tragedy so does a WHM gain from helping recover such scars. Through the power of BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD LILY Afflatus Misery, they insist the aggressor(s) to stand down. An instant spell with 15s of charge time and a 2.4s GCD, it deals 12k damage to the main target up to 25y away and any other enemies near 5y of the main target.

Strong damage against a single target or multiple, the instant nature makes it excellent to engage or to finish off wounded targets. The more enemies you hit, the more damage you deal collectively. Try and see if you can hit them as they’re gathered in a spot.


Seraph Strike

If said aggressor(s) REALLY wants to FAFO, then we can get in the fray with our Seraph Strike ability. On use we instantly jump towards the target 20y away and with a blow of light deal 8k damage to them and any other enemies near 10y of them. Should there be any allies near the 10y, then we grant them the Protect buff and to ourselves, reducing all damage taken by 10% for 10s. In addition, it also grants the Cure III Ready buff for 10s to the WHM.

This is primarily used to apply Protect to allies, as any damage reduction helps in healing. Though the WHM places themselves in the middle of the crossfire, the Protect should give them some safety to reposition should they take some hits. Alternatively, since they’ll be able to resist damage for a bit, they can assist their allies and push back their enemies in unison.


Cure II

Cure II is a WHM’s bread and butter. Holding 2 charges and recharging once every 15s, it requires 1.44s to cast and triggers a 2.4s GCD, it heals themselves or a targeted party member up to 30y away for 12k hp. While its 3k hp short of a Recuperate use and requiring some time for it to go off, a heal is still a form of damage denial. Making judicious use of the charges can avert an ally dropping to the floor or denying the wounds an enemy deals. It’s most effective when combined with damage reduction effects, as less damage taken means more hp recovered. If an ally is under Guard, they’re also prime targets to heal them while they shrug the big hits.

It does have a longer range than our offensive spells, so we can make use of it by the bleeding edges with safety, but just as we’re safe far away so can an ally be pulled out of reach and see them in a deadly situation. Mind your positioning to not expose yourself but neither leave your allies far away.


Cure III

Should they jump in with Seraph Strike and have Cure III Ready, then Cure II becomes Cure III for 10s. Retaining the same range, it upgrades the heal to 16k and also affects any allies near 5y of the target party member.

Its slightly stronger than a Recuperate use, making it powerful to deny burst damage. Should most allies group up and gain the benefit of the heal, it can pay dividends in the long run by holding on a Recuperate use later. Since the range can help in keeping the WHM out of danger, it should be noted that they only have 10s to make use of Cure III or they’ll find it turned back into Cure II. Cure III is separate from the Cure II charges, meaning it can be used to split the healing or augment it on a single target.



While healing and restoration are a WHM’s forte, they can still rely on the elements around them to profound effect. Using their ability with water, Aquaveil generates a shield equivalent to 8k hp on them or their targeted party member up to 30y away. As pure as the water’s flow, the cleansing nature of the Aquaveil can remove one status effect that can be removed with Purify. Should it cleanse one, then the shield’s strength is doubled up to an equivalent to 16k hp.

Ideally making use of the cleanse and shield buff is intended, sometimes the 8k damage reduction can be enough. It can also be a WHM’s sole tool to shield themselves from control; namely bind and heavy as the cleanse will buff the shield while allowing them to keep on attacking or supporting their allies. But also using it to shield an ally on the offense or taking too much control can allow them to recover rather than succumb to a burst offensive.


Miracle of Nature

Should a target really decide to piss off a WHM, woe to the poor soul that suffers under their Miracle of Nature ability. Affecting a target within 10y of them, it forcibly alters the physical form of the enemy into either a kappa or a piglet for 2s while preventing the use of any actions. It takes 45s to recharge after use.

Given the short-ranged nature of this ability, coordination is key to burst down the target within those crucial 2s. While 2s of inaction is short, the target can still move to reposition. But it can also be important to turn the tables, as it can prevent/interrupt skills or abilities from enemies for that brief moment. Be weary that Guard grants immunity to Miracle of Nature, wasting it and forcing it on cooldown. Time its use if the target hasn't used Guard recently to not let it become meaningless.


Afflatus Purgation

Once every 60s of charging, the LB Afflatus Purgation is available to a WHM. By channeling the power of light, they bloom like a lily and deal 18k damage in a straight line towards the main target in a 40y range along with any other enemies on the way. Any enemy hit will be stunned for 2s. As the WHM channels the energy, they gain the Temperance buff for 15s, increasing all damage and healing done from the WHM by 10% while granting Regen to themselves and all nearby allies within 30y with a potency of 3k per tick for 15s (15k hp in total).

As the healing buff also applies to the regen, the true regeneration potency is 3.3k per tick (total 16.5k). It also applies to the WHM’s Recuperate, making it also heal 16.5k per use. It truly supports the party with a stun due to its short charge time, the buff to damage maintaining the offensive with Glare III, Afflatus Misery or Seraph Strike, and the healing to bolster damage denial with the regen, Cure II and Cure III. Should the WHM drop while buffed with Temperance, the regen will be cut short.


  • Stay behind your allies. You may have healing and defensive tools, but you don’t have escape or mobility to help you from getting surrounded.

  • Your spells may be strong but cast time can render your spells ineffective. Be proactive and heal before they are urgently needed.

  • Either on the offensive or defensive, your LB has a noticeably short charge time. Make use of it to delay and reduce damage or surprise enemies and push in for the kill. But don’t get overconfident and get focused down.