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Beginner Scholar PVP Guide

By Docmarkev

Simple to get into, hard to master, SCH excels in the right hands of a tactician able to read a battle and positions to maximize a team’s offense and cripple its enemy’s offensive at the same time. While mediocre in damage and healing on its own compared to the other healers, it heavily relies on its allies to enable an offensive or hold a position in combat.


Broil IV

Broil IV is your base offensive spell, taking a 1.44s cast time with a 2.40s recast time dealing 5k damage to a single target. Simple spell, simple damage. Combine it with buffs that increase damage dealt and/or cast/recast times to better support your allies in fights. As casting is mandatory, positioning and line of sight matters as you must stand still to use. Slidecasting is possible but HIGHLY ping dependent. Practice in the Wolves Den Pier target dummies and see if you can make slidecasting work.


Deployment Tactics

Deployment Tactics is an ability that extends Galvanize and Catalyze effects on self/party member to nearby party members, while on enemies spread Biolysis and Biolytic debuffs to other nearby enemies. Spreading your buffs/debuffs at the right time can make or break fights and turn tides. Spreading your Catalyze and Galvanize should a bit lower on priority since you ideally want to do it when your party outnumbers the enemy, thereby allowing everyone to push in. Spreading your Biolysis and Biolytic debuffs should be the main priority as you want the DoT and debuff to cripple the enemy team while your team wastes their resources to then push for the offensive. Ebb and flow is the name of the game with SCH and Deployment Tactics focuses on that.



Adloquium is an instant cast spell with a 2.40 recast time and a 15s recharge time; granting a 3k hp heal, a 6k Galvanize shield buff and the Catalyze buff increasing damage dealt by 8% for 15s to yourself or a targetted ally within 30y. It behaves like a charged skill, but follows GCD rules, requiring 15s of recharge per charge. You can hold up to 2 charges at max, so be mindful of the uses you have left or how long it'll take to get a charge back up in time. Main benefit is the damage buff for 15s, while small it helps in damage output particularly when shared with your allies through Deployment Tactics. It can also be used on single targets; namely those with damaging LBs at the ready.

The Recitation buff increases Galvanize by 50% (total 3k heal + 9k shield), not bad to reduce damage from 1-2 hits or DoTs. Big thing to note is that shields are not pure hp, so they will not protect you from fixed damage sources or certain statuses BUT can be the clutch to deny certain scenarios (SAM’s Zantetstuken if debuffed with Kuzuchi for the fixed max hp damage while at full hp, as the shield will be consumed before your hp).



Biolysis is an instant cast spell with a 2.40s recast time and a 15s recharge time; applying a DoT 3k for 15s (total 15k damage) + Biolytic 8% damage dealt reduction debuff to a single target. It behaves like a charged skill, but follows GCD rules. While the DoT isn’t much to write home about given you need the full duration for a significant effect, the main thing is to reduce the enemy party’s damage by 8% when spread with Deployment Tactics. It may be a small percentage of damage dealt, but when everybody is dealing less damage, you’re able to keep the offensive.

Under Recitation the DoT increases by 50% (total 4.5k per 15s or 22.5k damage total), making it a lot more significant than using the Recitation on Adloquium. Balance the need of DoT or defense, but make it your priority to apply it to as many enemies as you can.



Mummification is an instant ability dealing 6k damage to enemies within an 8y cone ahead of your targeted direction and debuffing hit enemies by reducing healing recieved by 25%, with a recharge time of 20s. The targetted direction quirk is important, meaning you MUST have a target before you are able to execute it. Main issue is that this skill is MELEE ranged on a casting job, requiring you to get into the fray to make use of it and fall back to safety. The damage is basic but the effect is powerful to counter enemy healers and Recuperate spam. You can either use Sprint before using it or combine it with Desperate Measures to allow you to get in quickly and get out.

The more enemies you’re able to land this on the better. If the enemy has a strong healer, such as a WHM or an AST, it’s imperative to counter their heals. Another example are PLD’s with their Sacred Acclaim debuff, reducing the healing done from the debuff or their Atonement uses reducing their effective defensive contribution and/or healing for allies.



Expedient is an ability that grants 25% faster movement speed and the Desperate Measures buff reducing damage taken to yourself and allies by 10% for 10s while granting Recitation to yourself for 15s, with a recharge time of 30s. Faster movement speed and damage reduction to either keep a push going or for a better retreat. The movement speed increase also affects Guard, countering the reduced movement speed penalty while making a retreat to allow for faster repositioning. Recitation is useful to sustain a push, allowing Galvanize to effectively tank a hit or to deal more damage with Biolysis. Think wisely before you commit the buff to which spell.


Summon Seraph

SCH's 90s charge time LB, Summon Seraph, activates an AoE targetting circle to allow you control on where you want Seraph to remain. Upon summoning her, she'll execute Seraph Flight, granting immunity to one control effect able to be removed by Purify for 20s and Excogitation for 20s, restoring 8k hp when you or an ally falls below 50% max hp or the timer ends. Seraph will remain in the battlefield for 15s upon summoning. Upon execution you'll be granted Recitation, buffing your Adloquium or Biolysis.

The buffs are only granted for all allies INSIDE the AoE targeting circle once executed (except Recitation for yourself), making her summon snapshot a bit finnicky to manage (not to mention trying to make 4 other party members listen to be in position). But in the right circumstances, it can hold positions or pushes. Nearby allies from her also get heals and shields through her casts of Seraphic Veil resorting 4k hp and granting a 4k shield for 10s. These shields stack with Adloquium, allowing you or your allies to tank more hits.


Consolation 2

After you Summon Seraph, your LB button swaps over to Consolation. It's an ability able to be executed on your command so long Seraph remains in the field within those 15s. Consolation is a 4k AoE heal and 4k shield for 10s to all nearby allies. Consolation's shield stacks with Serpahic Veil and Adloquium, allowing for more tanking and damage denial.

Mix in Desperate Measures and your offense/defense increases, making the shields stronger with the 10% damage reduction and the speed to keep the push and another Recitation buff to spread Biolysis or Adloquium. Allies under Guard near her can get her heal and shields, making it good to hold on Recuperate and sustain the defense a bit longer. This tactic is excellent to hold overtimes while you wait for allies to respawn or prevent pushes.

So long you understand the information on the battlefield through your HUD, you can maximize your impact through your skills. The following clip highlights that succintly. SCH needs to avoid being directly involved in the fighting, but rather indirectly through buff and debuff management and bolstering your party's defenses on the offense.


  • Keep Biolysis up as long as possible on the enemy, reducing their offensive capabilities while saving it for when 3+ or their most offensive ones are nearby. Avoid wasting it on a single target UNLESS said target is the only one alive and causing issues to the party or have their LB at the ready and can deal massive damage, such as a BLM or SMN due to their AoE effects.

  • Spread Adloquium to your allies when you have the numbers in your favor, letting you hold Biolysis for when the enemy gathers. Else, use it to buff your most offensive allies or those with LBs at the ready for big damage, like black shifted RDMs, MNKs, BLMs, SMNs or MCHs.

  • Make sure to Summon Seraph with as many allies inside the target circle as you can, allowing for Excogitation and Seraph Flight to help the party. Spread out your skills while Seraph is out to ensure all the defenses can be used to their max. Don’t forget to make use of Consolation for an AoE heal and shield before she leaves.