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Beginner Sage PVP Guide

By Docmarkev

Sorcerer of aether and medicine, bound under Somanoutic Oath, a SGE can protect their allies while able to deter their enemies with their nouliths with uncanny efficacy. What they lack in healing power they make up in technique, where those under their protection will empower the SGE to further punish the aggressor.



SGE’s main tool is the Kardia ability. Upon being used, it applies the Kardion buff to yourself or your targeted ally within 30y of you. Those under Kardion will gain an additional effect whenever you successfully cast Dosis III or Toxicon III. An analog to DNC’s Closed Positon, this will bestow on a targeted ally or yourself beneficial buffs. While SGE is considered a healer These effects will be explained in detail with their respective skills.



Another of SGE’s distinguishing skills is the ability Eukrasia. It holds 2 charges, recharging once every 15s. On use, Eukrasia buffs yourself for 15s by transforming Dosis III into Eukrasian Dosis III.


Dosis III

Dosis III is your base offensive spell, taking a 1.44s cast time with a 2.40s recast time dealing 4k damage to a single target. Combine it with buffs that increase damage dealt and/or cast/recast times to better support your allies in fights. As casting is mandatory, positioning and line of sight matters as you must stand still to use. Slidecasting is possible but HIGHLY ping dependent. Practice in the Wolves Den Pier target dummies and see if you can make slidecasting work.

For those under your Karidon effect gain a 2k heal for every successful cast/hit. While the heal effect is small, it can be useful to counter chip damage and DoTs. Considering that you also need to cast, you’re better suited to make use of Dosis III while in the backrow of your allies. You will have moments where you are encouraged to push to the frontlines, but not exactly with Dosis III in mind. In those specific situations we’ll go into details soon.


Eukrasian Dosis III

Eukrasian Dosis III replaces Dosis III so long you have the Eukrasia buff on yourself. Where Dosis III is your basic spell, Eukrasian Dosis III requires a bit of forward thinking since it completely changes its effects. Eukrasian Dosis III is an instant cast spell, delaing 4k damage over 15s (total 20k damage) to your target. For those under your Kardion, they’ll be granted a shield equivalent to 8k hp for 15s.

While the DoT is nice damage, our main takeaway is the shield. It’s half a Recuperate in terms of hp value, so it should be able to block 1-2 hits. And we want to encourage the shield to be broken akin to DRK’s The Blackest Night, as once the shield breaks, we’re granted the Addersting buff for 10s. Its benefits we’ll explain under Toxikon II.



Toxicon is another ability under the SGE’s kit, dealing 2k damage to a target 25y of you and any other enemies within 5y of the main target. It holds 2 charges, recharging once every 15s. Any enemy hit by it will have the Toxicon debuff for 6s, increasing the damage they take by 10%.

Think of SGE as the inverse of SCH now; where SCH excels in buffing allies’ performance and defenses while debuffing enemies to reduce their effectiveness, SGE excels in the opposite by debuffing enemies to take more damage and support an offensive push but not much on buffing their allies. This in turn makes SGE more independent from the other healers as they can contribute more towards damage output. This combined with your Eukrasian Dosis III makes the DoT sting even more and buff the rest of your kit’s damage on the target.


Toxikon II

Toxicon II replaces Toxicon once you gain the Addersting buff on your shield breaking, sharing the same range and effects as Toxicon but dealing increased damage to the main target for 8k and deal 2k for any other nearby them.

Now we see the benefit of our shield breaking, allowing the SGE to gain an “additional” charge of free damage and debuff potential, increasing their damage output and sustaining the debuff. As the buff can be gained independently from the charges, you can potentially use Toxicon and Toxicon II in staggered form back-to-back.

This requires either luck or timing on your favor as you’re bound to the Eukrasia charges you have available; if you can land Eukrasian Dosis III and if the shield(s) break apart in the right time for the Adderstings to not overwrite/refresh itself while you have it. If you don’t have the benefit of time on your side, might as well make use of Toxicon II before the buff runs out as it’s essentially free of charge, meaning free damage to go out.



Icarus is SGE’s movement ability. Holding 2 charges, recharging once every 10s, Icarus allows them to instantly rush to the targeted ally or enemy’s location within 25y of them. Like BLM’s Aetherial Manipulation it offers mobility for an otherwise “slow” caster. Practice targeting allies or enemies with hotkeys to allow you specific targeting on where and who to go towards in a flash. Remember, allies and enemies are free game to reposition!

You can make use of it while you have Guard up, soaking a few hits, only for your enemies to suddenly be caught by surprise as you've now repositioned in a short amount of time AWAY from them!! This will remove Guard as you use it, but given the distance or the coordination you can achieve to zip to someone's location will confuse and blind side most if they lack similar movement abilities or those without draw-ins/pulls.


Phlegma III

Phlegma III is an instant cast spell, holding 2 charges and recharging once every 15s. This spell deals 10k damage to the main target within 5y of you and any other nearby enemies within 5y of them.

Combined with Icarus you’re able to close gaps and deal a big hit to one or more targets. When throwing in Toxicon’s increased damage taken debuff, this spell is a menace if you’re able to hit multiple people with the debuff. Since you can use 2 charges back-to-back, it is useful to drop priority targets while leaving you on the backline as it recharges. You can reuse Icarus to reposition back behind allies or combine it with your Eukrasian Dosis III shields to stay in the front and hopefully get a Toxicon II to further keep the damage push going.



Pneuma is SGE’s “healing” spell, but not in the conventional way. Taking 1.44s to cast and having a 30s recast/recharge time, it deals 12k damage to all enemies in a straight line towards the targeted enemy up to 25y of you. Upon being successfully cast, it grants Haima and 4 stacks of Haimatinon to you and all party members within 20y of you for 10s. Haima is a shield equivalent to 3k hp, Haimatinon stacks are used up whenever the shield breaks to reapply it again. If there are any stacks of Haimatinon remaining by the end of the duration, the shields are then converted into pure hp heals with the same conversion ratio (3k shield per stack = 3k hp heals per stack, 4 stacks total = 12k hp total healing).

Pneuma further enforces SGE as a support role, but given your Icarus mobility, you should be able to deal decent party wide damage given the right positioning to hit multiple enemies, more so with Toxicon’s debuff. If you can’t hit multiple enemies, then prioritize granting the Haima shields to your party if they’re near you. While the shields will offer little damage reduction on most hits on full hp, their strength shines on the retreat as allies under Guard will possibly take no damage. The main issue is trying to wait out the shield to hp conversion given the 10s, meaning a wounded ally needs to fall back quickly, have enough Recuperate uses to keep them alive or shields/damage reduction buffs to hold them out.

You can combine the Haima shield with your Eukrasian Dosis III shield, essentially granting a combined 11k shield to one target in a small window of time. But as you want your shield to break rather than the Haima shields, it’s best to use this combination on roles that will be on the offensive for a while or to sustain a weakened ally as they fall back.



Mesotes, SGE’s LB, takes 120s to charge for its powerful effects. Upon being used, you will be able to ground target an AoE of 5y whereupon a magic barrier will spawn for 15s and be relocated once (but not refresh its duration) by reusing Mesotes and replacing it to its new location. Depending on who stands inside of the barrier for 3s depends on what buff or debuff they gain. Your party will gain the Mesotes buff, nullifying all damage from enemies who do not have the Lype debuff for 5s. The enemy party inside the Mesotes AoE will be afflicted with Lype, suffering 8k DoT for 5s. As the buff/debuff refreshes itself once every 3s while inside Mesotes, the duration of the invulnerability and DoT will vary during those 15s. (In a rare exception I won’t consider the potential total damage here.)

While the effects might seem very simple, its simplicity obfuscates the complexity it offers. When used defensively, you’ll usually place it near you or your allies’ location such as a chokepoint where everyone gathers before a push or on an objective to hold to punish enemies that dare to cross inside the Mesotes. On the other hand, you’ll place it on the enemy’s side to afflict them with the debuff but as the AoE is small most will avoid it. But if your allies have their skills at the ready and hp to spare for a few hits, it’ll then be able to cripple the enemy team while protecting your party as they try to maintain the fighting inside of it. If you can hit them with Toxicon’s debuff while inside, it further causes the DoT to melt them away if they’re distracted from their position or hp values.

While the buff/debuff applies itself once every 3s but lasts for 5s, you can be inside of Mesotes get the invulnerability and leave it for a quick “red herring” lure for enemies to “punish” you while outside of it as they unwittingly waste their resources. But just because you can be invulnerable does not mean you should be even more of a risk taker, its protection can also work against you if you’re outnumbered. In a case of a 1v5, the enemies will take the risk to stay inside the Mesotes and whale on you on the inside as their Lype bypasses your invuln, killing you in the process and wasting the LB. Be mindful of control skills as they’ll still land while invulnerable, turning your blessing into a curse as you’ll be locked down if you don’t pay attention to your positioning.


  • ALWAYS KEEP KARDIA ON SOMEONE!!! If you do not maintain Kardia you’re crippling yourself and your party for no reason. If you cannnot buff an ally, then you’re always the last (and sometimes best!) resort. This will then allow you to prioritize who gets your Eukrasian Dosis III shields, like those that can engage, draw enemy fire or someone that might be enemy priority to be dropped. Namely low hp jobs or wounded allies on the retreat to sustain them long enough or to have the shield break to punish the enemy.

  • Keep the Toxicon debuff going on the enemy, as they’ll take more damage and be all the squishier for you and the party to whale on them. Even using one charge on a guarding enemy sets them up for more punishment after the Guard drops.

  • Mesotes has a strong effect so long you’re alive for the duration. Be mindful that the invulnerability will work so long the enemy is not under Lype, so refrain from using it when outnumbered. You’re squishier than most on maxHP values, so you’ll usually be singled out quickly in skirmishes if they notice that you’ll have it at the ready.